Friday, January 15, 2010

I Want a Fireplace!

I told myself that my kitchen would be the last big investment in my condo...I'm not going to live there forever, you know. BUT, lately, I've been dreaming about doing a couple of other projects. I mean, now with the economy the way it is, I won't be moving any time soon. My dad is going to read this and roll his eyes and call me crazy because:

I want a fireplace.

I know that my living room is teeny, but I keep thinking that I could build a false wall, install a fireplace and also wire for my flatscreen tv! How smart is that???

And just look at all of these beauties. Wouldn't YOU want one, too???

{all images are Candice Olson designs}

And don't worry, Dad. I won't scare you with talk of the new shower I want...YET.


Anonymous said...

Go for it! Nothing says home like a fireplace.

Anonymous said...

JJ - I knew I recognized some of those shots...I love her show!!!

Kelly @ turned UP to ELEVEN! said...

these are awesome! You can do a faux fireplace. I know it's not the same but if you can find a really nice mantle at antique stores and salvage yards - fix it up and nail it to the wall. (My mother used to do this a lot she had a few at her old house and I regret not grabbing at least one to bring with me after she passed away.) I second the notion GO FOR IT! ox

Honey Bee said...

Soooo gorgeous!

Unknown said...

i love fireplaces! you can get a very nice plug-in fireplace from home depot or lowes for around $500 to $700! they look awesome! and the nice thing is...they're portable so when you do can TAKE IT WITH YOU! seriously, check them out!

let us know what you decide!

Bianca said...

I love it! You should do it. Then small group meetings would TOTALLY be at your house :)

Salt said...

I have ALWAYS wanted a fireplace. When we move into a home that is one of the main things I am looking for. All those pictures are fantastic and make me wish my apartment didn't suck so hard. :)

Deidra said...

Fireplaces rock! We have two and they are far from beautiful...but still wonderful!