For every birthday, anniversary, or Christmas, they play this game where they hand a wrapped gift to one another and say "you'll never guess what I got you." And the other person says "I know EXACTLY what this is." And you know what? They usually do.
Last year, for my mom's birthday, my mom guessed her gift and even whispered into a friend's ear what she thought it was and the woman was dumbfounded. But then she was even more shocked when my mom opened her very own rifle. Yep, Stephanie Jane has got a gun...and now my dad calls her "Annie Freaking Oakley." Guess she's got mad skills with the clay pigeons. I'm just glad that they still have fun together and try new hobbies!!!
Yep, they're the

That's so cool! I love going to the range & shooting the hubs' gun.
Go Steffi!
Um that's not a rifle it's a shotgun.
And go female shooters!
Vinegar works better than the samples of washing machine cleaner that they gave me.
Work from home India
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