And speaking of photography...
I've got a little secret! A while back, when I decided to pursue a side career in photography, I began a photoblog. But I didn't really tell anyone about it because I wasn't quite ready to display my portfolio, etc. I wanted to get a few more shoots under my belt so you wouldn't have to look at the same five pictures over and over again. And you know what? Several of you found me out in spite of all my secretiveness. : ) See, about a month ago, that little button up there on the top that says "Snappin & Shootin" was relinked to my photoblog. Some of you are super sleuth's and figured it out.
In order to be transparent and let you in to my life even more, I'd love to share with you. If you're based in Southern CA and are looking for a fun photographer, I'd love for you to look around my site a little and consider using me! I promise it will be a fun experience!!!
And to show you just a taste of what's on the photoblog, here's a snap from last week's wedding that I assisted on. I give you Liz and Brock:

Congrats, it's a beautiful site! I tried to subscribe but got an error. I know this will be awesome for you. The photos on there are beautiful!
I was checking it out yesterday b/c I noticed the web address on the photos you had posted on your blog. Looks awesome! Too bad we aren't in So. Cal. anymore, but if we ever come visit, we might ask you to get some shots of us!
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