A coworker left a book on my desk last week...and I read the whole thing that night. How could I not when it was apparently the story of my life?
It started off deliciously funny...mmmmmm, but then it all went down hill from there. Poor Jennifer Johnson is kitschy and witty, has a tchotchke-filled apartment, a nasty boss, and a princess-y sister who is getting married. And then she meets Mr. Right...or so she thought. By the end of the book, I wanted to punch him in the throat. Then I wanted to punch HER in the throat. Suddently, Mr. Right was not all she ever wanted. Moral of the story: DON'T SETTLE and DON'T GO LOOKIN FOR PERFECT BECAUSE THERE'S NO SUCH THING! Got that message loud and clear!
What ticked me off the most about this book as I had such high hopes in the beginning. The author, Heather McElhatton, starts off seriously funny. Her writing is quick and saucy...but then she kinda loses it and becomes Debbie Downer in a major way. No me gusta.
On to book 2...

Turns out this book is pretty stupid and written like a soap opera...but with that name, I had to have it...even before I read the back. Unfortunately, JJ isn't the heroine - it's the guy. Maybe I should give it to my male coworker here whose initials are JJ, too. Ha!
I wouldn't recommend this book...even though I haven't finished it. It was an impulse buy...and a bad one at that!
Have you read anything good lately?
Oh Jen! You are hilarious! God will provide a man for you when the time is right. Trust me. I don't know how old you are, but I had to wait a long time to get my arms around Mr. Right! It's when you are not looking, is when someone will come along.
oh man! i just mailed that book to you yesterday - Jennifer Johnson is sick of being single...it stopped me in my tracks in target and hoped you hadn't seen it yet...oh well - bummer that it stunk! read harry potter with me (my 4th time reading book 6) and then we can see the movie together!!
Tira, you're so sweet! (sssshhh, don't tell anyone, but I'm 32! ha!)
And Carlee, that is TOOOOO stinking funny!
Hi Jen!! You crack me up! I love the comment you left on my blog about the "high class moonshine." Totally made me laugh. Thanks for stopping by.
I love YOUR name! lol I think it's very creative!! And thanks for visiting my blog too ;o)
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