A good friend turned 40 recently, and his darling wife decided to throw a fabulous 80s party in his honor. It was the first theme party that I've been to where EVERYONE dressed up and took it seriously. And, as a result, this was one of the most fun nights I've had in years!
As you can see, we're a shy bunch. {smirk}
my photography business has been growing, I've had the opportunity to try a bunch of fun things...and I basically used Greg's party as an excuse to try one more:
THE PHOTOBOOTH.When I showed up at Greg and Kelle's house on Saturday afternoon to set up, I think they were totally blown away. They should know better than to underestimate my desire to take things to the next level. : ) I rented the most hideous 80s backdrop at my fav photo supplier...as I was walking out I heard one of the guys behind the counter tell another guy that he owed him 10 bucks because he said it would never be rented.
During the party, people would stop by for awkward prom pictures, group shots, etc. And then I played paparazzi the rest of the night...when I wasn't too busy dancing...or drinking "Gnarly Sex on the Beach".
In order to fully kick the night off, Clare and I had our photo taken in a typical 80s pose!

Here's the birthday boy and his darling wife. She told me that he thanked her that morning for his party and she said to him, "don't you mean MY party." : )

See, I told you people took it seriously! The guy with the mohawk went to three places to try and get it done and then ultimately went home to figure it out himself. VERY respectable!!!

Don't forget the 80s dance moves!

My hilarious friends Chris and Lori. I was pissed that Lori's crimps turned out better than mine. I spent THIRTY MINUTES making my fro!

Oh, I'm sorry, did somebody say track suit and a gold tooth?!

On the left is Kelle's group of friends that she's had since 7th grade. Gotta love it. Tracy, on the right, is wearing her "coed" dance dress, not prom, as she corrected me, and she has triplets. I hate her for that...but love her for bringing wine coolers.

SEVERAL of the boys pegged their pants and wore vans!


It's really a shame that I didn't have more fun...oooh look, you can see my TOTALLY AWESOME eyeshadow!