They're a great couple - both have big hearts, vivacious personalities, and big bold laughs. I am certain that their future holds a lot of love and a tremendous amount of fun...and football!
The reception was at an awesome Italian-like villa in Sierra Madre. Here's Jennifer and I having a photo shoot by the pretty fountain... I have about 30 of her and Sean trying to get "just right", too. : )
Weddings are such a wonderful and joyful event and I will never grow tired to seeing friends pledge their lives and endless love to their chosen one. It's an awesome reminder of the love our Father has for us! If only I could stand at the alter with anticipation and excitement to pledge my endless love to the Lord like that on a daily short I fall...but what an awesome goal, nonetheless!
How does my "awesome" date with a certain rocket scientist factor into your genius-ness??? Hmmm... you're pretty good, but I don't know about genius. Haha I kid, I kid. That's so awesome that Chris and Lori got married!! I still vividly remember that night that they stayed behind after your birthday party and hung out. So great! Congrats to them. And good job, Jenny.
Sheesh, Krissy-pooh! So I sent you on one bad blind date...but YOU chose to go out a second time! Ha - TAKE THAT!
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